
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Honey bee is an insect with 2-3cm long. Definitely, honey bees don't have knowledge about medicines. But, what they have done based on their animal/insect instinct who blessed by Almighty's God, could make human surprised. we could say that they had give us many good lessons for our live, so we can be useful in our live, some of lessons that we can learn from them were :

First, from what they eat. They just eat good foods, they just consuming nectar's. Nectar's placed inside flowers was in sterile condition, protected from dusts and others unwanted dirt's, and that make it as healthy foods for honey bees. And honey bees also always choose good flowers, they don't choose bad flowers. Did you know, either good flowers are far far away and on highland, far from their nest, they don't mind to fly away to go to the flowers, although is so far and on highland.
So what you can learn from here are, always try to consumed our self wit many good things, whether for your foods, for your knowledge's, for your drinks and for others that important in your life.

Second, in useful lifes. What they have produced, which are honeys, are healthy and nutricious suplements. Also honeys can used as medicine. Did you know that honey bees never destroy or poluting their neighbourhood, included the trees that they lived for produced honeys and make their kingdom.
Things that we can learn from here, we must produced good things from everythings we do in everyday, as long as we life, we must speak in good way, having a good behaviour, and importantly get used to be to have good mind.

Third, in their workethic. They as insects which work perfectly, carefully and punctilious. They build the nest in hexagonal form. Scientists research about the haxagonal form, and they have temporary concluded that hexagonal structure is the best structure, and most fitable, to maximised their activity inside their lair. Humdidity and air circulation in honey bees nest always keep in excellent condition. That reasons, make their honeys long lasting. Honey bees lived in good confraternity and teamwork among them. In small nest, lived more than hundred honey bees. Did you know that honey bees characteristic are industrious and harddriving. Early morning they have to wake up and flew in group from one flowerbed to another flowerbeds, from one tree to another trees, from one flower to another flowers, to have their foods.
From their characteristic, as human, we must orderly and keenly when we doing our activities. Dont get lazzy who lived parasite from others live, we must workhard to gain our dreams.

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